I feel the pain inside, making me wanna cr...
2010-12-29 / 21:33:10 / Allmänt

I feel the pain inside, making me wanna cry.. But Im stronger than this, so just get another wish. Cuz you will see no tears from me, that is a promise I will keep. Make this feeling go away, at least for a day. But even though it hurts to much, I would do it all again, just to feel your touch! This is how I feel when you're not around... But I now we are soulbound. Thats Why You're still in my life... Cuz I wanna be your wife. You make me feel so good at times, thats Why it hurts More than before! I never fellt so weak, maybe my heart is at the top of this peak. I Dont know and I Dont care, you are mine and thats all I can bare :-P Hahaha Värt ett försök iaf. Och nej, det är inte över mellan mig o Jonte... Han får mig inte att må dåligt... Han får mig att må grymt bra, men det finns dagar då man tänker lite extra mycke bara. Jag älskar han så nu behöver ni inte undra mer :-P

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